Addressing Microaggressions: Preparing Your Adopted Child
Empower your adopted child to handle insensitive comments and behaviors with this guide on preparing for microaggressions.
Black Adoptees Want White Parents to Know This...
We have to remember that Love is NOT enough. We have to actively support our kids in ways that help them cultivate a positive racial identity.
10 Things You Should Know Before Adopting Transracially
Helpful information for those considering transracial adoption. Such as understanding the impact of racism, fostering cultural awareness, and providing support for your child’s identity.
Belonging is a Fundamental Human Need
Belonging is essential for mental health and wellbeing. That's why it's so important to create an environment where kids from non-traditional families feel accepted, understood, and supported.
Why Representation for Kids In Non-Traditional Families Matters
Families come in all shapes and sizes; yet the traditional family is often presented as the majority when they are actually the minority. We need to change that.
49 TV Shows and Movies That Celebrate Diverse Non-Traditional Families
With representation comes greater understanding between people with different backgrounds; furthering our appreciation for each other no matter what form our familial structure takes.