Belonging is a Fundamental Human Need
Finding a sense of belonging is essential for mental health and wellbeing. That's why it's so important to create an environment where kids from non-traditional families feel accepted, understood, and supported.
But how do we ensure that these kids have this sense of belonging? It starts with being an advocate. Listening, understanding, and showing support for you child will help cultivate trust that can last for years.
At its core, belonging is a feeling of security and acceptance. Not everyone experiences life in the same way. That's why it's so critical to recognize the importance of belonging and do what we can to make sure your child feels at home in and outside you your house in their life experiences.
We All Want to Belong
Deep down inside, we all want to belong somewhere - be it at home or school or work. We want to feel accepted by others and avoid rejection at all costs. You might have done something you didn't like just because it would please someone else or gone out of your way not to offend anyone in a social gathering.
Belonging is more than just important; it's a fundamental human need that affects our mental health and well-being. When people don't feel like they belong anywhere, they can experience feelings of loneliness, depression and anxiety. This actually makes real changes in their brain and unless something is done it about it those changes stick around for life.
What Is Belonging?
Belonging is a fundamental human need that we all crave. It's the feeling of being accepted, included, and part of something bigger than ourselves. Whether it's within a school community or among friends, belonging feels great, but we often don't realize how important it is until we miss it.
Unfortunately, not everyone experiences this sense of belonging. For many kids , school can be a place where they feel disconnected and isolated, especially if the child's family is non-traditional. The feeling of not belonging can be incredibly painful, like physical pain in their body. It can lead to feelings of worthlessness and unhappiness affectiny their relationships and academic performance.
But what exactly does belonging feel like? It's hard to describe in words because it's different for everyone. However, one thing is certain: when you belong somewhere or to someone, you just know it deep down inside.
School is an essential part of young people's lives. They should be a safe and inclusive environment where every student feels like they belong. But we all know that's often not the case. Parents you need to listen carefully to your child and advocate for them if they are experiencing trauma in school.
Many Students Do Not Feel Like They Belong at Their Schools
Feeling like you don't belong is a common experience. But always feeling like you don't belong is not normal. This is especially true for kids in non-traditional or diverse families. We all go through waves of feeling connected or isolated, and these feelings can change from day to day. But for some kids its a daily occurrence. But the good news is that feelings of not belonging are not permanent; with effort they can be changed.
The Importance of Belonging
Feeling like you belong is crucial for kids. Not only does it affect their grades at school, but it also impacts their daily lives and interactions with others. Research shows that a sense of belonging plays a key role in motivation and how kids learn and cope. When a child feel like they belong, they develop positive attitudes toward learning, their sense of well-being improves, and they get a confidence boost in their abilities.
A high sense of belonging can even lead to fewer disciplinary issues at school and more positive relationships with peers. So if you want to help your kid, fostering a sense of belonging should be a top priority.
Everyone Has a Role in Helping Other People to Belong
We all know how it feels to be left out, but did you know that the need for belonging is almost as strong as our need for food? Can you see why we comfort themselves with food? That's why it's essential to make sure everyone around us feels included. By doing so, we can all help create a sense of belonging that benefits everyone involved.
What Can You Do to Help Others Belong?
Building a sense of belonging can be achieved with the help of important relationships, both in and out of school. Kids who feel supported by their parents, teachers and friends are more likely to feel like they belong at school, in their community ,and at home. If your family is non-traditional it it important for you to find social mirrors and mentors who have been through what your kid is gong through.
Also a strong predictor of belonging at school is the relationship a student has with their teachers - when kids feel liked and cared for by their teachers, they report higher levels of belonging. As a parent ,especially if your family is non-traditional, you have to be involved in your child's education. Get to know all the key players in your child's school. The more you're involved the easier it will be for your child to seek support if needed especially if micro-agressions or micro-insults are directed towards your child.
It's clear that there are many things that everyone can do - peers, teachers, parents included - to help improve the sense of belonging for our young people today. By focusing on building strong relationships and cultivating qualities such as resilience and motivation, we can all work towards creating an environment where everyone feels like they truly belong.