Why Representation for Kids In Non-Traditional Families Matters
It's no secret representation matters in media - especially for kids from non-traditional families! They need to see their experiences positively reflected in books, movies and shows. In this post, we'll explore why it's so important that stories give these kids a platform.
Why It Representation Matters
Families come in all shapes and sizes; yet the traditional family is often presented as the majority when they are actually the minority. Without seeing themselves represented positively, these kids can feel like their experience is "abnormal" or even unloved. On the other hand, when diverse family types show up in media, it validates them and lets them know that there is no one way for a family to look like.
Plus, representation helps everyone else understand better as well – not just those living within non-traditional families! Kids will learn empathy and respect for diversity when they see stories that feature different kinds of households such as two dads/two moms or single parents homes.
How To Make It Happen
For parents wanting to make sure their children feel seen and loved regardless of what kind of family structure they come from - seek out books TV shows & movies that feature non-traditional families! Doing this will promote inclusion & acceptance across society at large.
In my next few posts I'll offer some round ups of resources